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Unele poze sunt cu titlu informativ. / Some pictures are just informative.
Preturile includ Tva in valoare de 9% / 19%. / Prices include VAT of 9% / 19%.

Daca nu primiti bonul fiscal, aveti obligatia sa-l solicitati. In cazul unui refuz, aveti dreptul de a beneficia de
bunul achizitionat sau de serviciul prestat fara plata contravalorii acestuia. Solicitati si pastrati bonurile
fiscale pentru a putea participa la extragerile lunare si ocazionale ale loteriei bonurilor fiscale. Este
interzisa înmânarea catre client a altui document, care atesta plata contravalorii bunurilor sau serviciilor
prestate, decât bonul fiscal.
Pentru a semnala nerespectarea obligatiilor legale ale operatorilor economici, puteti apela gratuit,
non-stop, serviciul TelVerde al Ministerului Finantelor Publice 0800.800.085 / If you do not receive the tax receipt, you have the obligation to request it. In case of a refusal, you have the right to benefit from the purchased good or the service provided without payment of its consideration. Request and keep the receipts fiscal to be able to participate in the monthly and occasional draws of the fiscal receipts lottery. It is prohibited to hand over to the customer another document, which certifies the payment of the consideration for the goods or services provided, than the tax receipt.
To report non-compliance with the legal obligations of economic operators, you can call free of charge, non-stop, the TelVerde service of the Ministry of Public Finance 0800.800.085
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